News Features

Parties notified of recommendations for listing additional chemicals to Stockholm Convention's Annex A
Written comments are invited by 31 December 2018 on recommendations for the next COP concerning the listing of additional chemicals.

Parties notified of recommendations for listing additional chemicals to Stockholm Convention's Annex A

Parties notified of recommendations for listing additional chemicals to Stockholm Convention's Annex A
Guatemala: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention, to rid the world of POPs
The BRS Secretariat congratulates Guatemala, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of entry-into-force of the Stockholm Convention.

Guatemala: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention, to rid the world of POPs

Guatemala: celebrating 10 years of implementing the Stockholm Convention, to rid the world of POPs
Listing of chemicals - Parties notified of a proposal to amend Article 8 & Annex D of Stockholm Convention
Written comments are invited by 31 December 2018, on a proposal by the Russian Federation for COP-9 to amend Article 8 and Annex D of the Stockholm Convention on the listing of chemicals.

Listing of chemicals - Parties notified of a proposal to amend Article 8 & Annex D of Stockholm Convention

Listing of chemicals - Parties notified of a proposal to amend Article 8 & Annex D of Stockholm Convention
BRS Regional information sessions series concludes with Latin America and Caribbean meeting in Lima, Peru
Regional information sessions, throughout October, are staged back-to-back with Minamata Convention COP-2 preparatory meetings.

BRS Regional information sessions series concludes with Latin America and Caribbean meeting in Lima, Peru

BRS Regional information sessions series concludes with Latin America and Caribbean meeting in Lima, Peru
Georgia transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Georgia has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6.

Georgia transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Georgia transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
BRS participates in the 21st Ministerial Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean in Buenos Aires, 11 to 12 October
BRS Executive Secretary moderates the “Ministerial Dialogue on Innovative Solutions to Detoxify our Environment” on marine plastic litter and sound management of chemicals & waste.

BRS participates in the 21st Ministerial Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean in Buenos Aires, 11 to 12 October

BRS participates in the 21st Ministerial Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean in Buenos Aires, 11 to 12 October
Togo transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Togo has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4 and COP-5.

Togo transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Togo transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
News on actions to tackle marine plastic litter, chemicals & wastes, just a click away
Read the BRS Newsletter, now online, to keep up with actions for a clean planet and healthy people.

News on actions to tackle marine plastic litter, chemicals & wastes, just a click away

News on actions to tackle marine plastic litter, chemicals & wastes, just a click away
BRS Regional information sessions series continues in Chisinau, Moldova
Regional information sessions, throughout October, are staged back-to-back with Minamata Convention COP-2 preparatory meetings.

BRS Regional information sessions series continues in Chisinau, Moldova

BRS Regional information sessions series continues in Chisinau, Moldova
Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee recommends listing PFOA in Annex A
The press release of the 14th meeting of the POPs Review Committee is available online.

Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee recommends listing PFOA in Annex A

Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee recommends listing PFOA in Annex A
Lithuania transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Lithuania has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4, COP-5 and COP-6.

Lithuania transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Lithuania transmits updated national plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
Workers dying as a result of toxic exposure, says UN Special Rapporteur
A new report by the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Toxics states that one worker dies every 30 seconds from toxic exposure in the workplace.

Workers dying as a result of toxic exposure, says UN Special Rapporteur

Workers dying as a result of toxic exposure, says UN Special Rapporteur
Chile transmits an updated plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Chile has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-7.

Chile transmits an updated plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention

Chile transmits an updated plan for implementing the Stockholm Convention
Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee meeting underway in Rome
For background documents and all developments, updates and photos from POPRC14, follow our live twitter reporting on @brsmeas.

Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee meeting underway in Rome

Stockholm Convention’s scientific committee meeting underway in Rome
Burundi transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Burundi has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4 and COP-5.

Burundi transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention

Burundi transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention

To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Burundi has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4 and COP-5.

Norwegian event on POPs and Body Burden re-affirms need to take action on chemicals and waste
Erik Solheim, Head of UN Environment, and Rolph Payet, BRS Executive Secretary, shared a platform in Arendal, Norway on 15 August 2018 to raise awareness on toxic chemicals and their impacts on human health.

Norwegian event on POPs and Body Burden re-affirms need to take action on chemicals and waste

Norwegian event on POPs and Body Burden re-affirms need to take action on chemicals and waste


Global gatherings of chemicals and waste expertise as BRS stages subsidiary body meetings
Scientific, legal and policy experts from across the world converge on Geneva and Rome to prepare decisions for the sound management of chemicals and waste.

Global gatherings of chemicals and waste expertise as BRS stages subsidiary body meetings

Global gatherings of chemicals and waste expertise as BRS stages subsidiary body meetings
Cabo Verde transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Cabo Verde has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4, COP-5, and COP-6

Cabo Verde transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention

Cabo Verde transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention


Paraguay transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Paraguay has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4, COP-5, COP-6, and COP-7.

Paraguay transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention

Paraguay transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention


Benin transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
To rid the world of POPs and beat pollution, Benin has transmitted its updated national plan reflecting amendments made at COP-4.

Benin transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention

Benin transmits updated implementation plan for the Stockholm Convention
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