The text of the Stockholm Convention was adopted by the Conference of the Plenipotentiaries (Stockholm, 22 May 2001) and entered into force on 17 May 2004. The text was subsequently amended by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting (Geneva, 4 - 8 May 2009), fifth meeting (Geneva, 25 - 29 April 2011), sixth meeting (Geneva, 28 April - 10 May 2013), seventh meeting (Geneva, 4 - 15 May 2015), its eighth meeting (Geneva, 24 April - 5 May 2017) and at its ninth meeting (Geneva, 29 April – 10 May).
The text contained in this site is published for information only. It does not substitute the original authentic texts of the Stockholm Convention and amendments thereto as deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations acting as the Depository of the Convention.
Additional Annex
In 2005, the first meeting of the Conference of the Parties adopted Annex G, setting out the arbitration and conciliation procedures for the purposes of Article 18 of the Convention on settlement of disputes.
Amendments to Annexes
Since the adoption of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties has adopted a series of decisions to amend Annexes A, B and C to the Convention to list additional POPs. Further information on all the chemicals listed in the Annexes to the Stockholm Convention is available here.
Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Text and Annexes
(revised in 2023)
The 2023 revised text of the Convention includes the decision adopted by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to amend Part I of Annex A to the Convention to list perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds; and the decisions adopted by the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to amend Part I of Annex A to the Convention to list methoxychlor, Dechlorane Plus and UV-328.
The Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish language texts of the amendments adopted in 2022 and 2023 at the tenth and eleventh meetings, respectively, of the Conference of the Parties are currently being finalized and will be made available on the Convention website shortly. The 2019 revised texts are available while the updates are being finalized.