The Toolkit review and updating process is driven by Parties. All experts nominated by Parties and others, included in the joint Toolkit and BAT and BEP expert roster, are involved in the process at least by electronic means.
The Toolkit revision has been finalized in 2013, placing emphasis on key sources for which limited data were available and on providing support to developing countries in their efforts to verify their emission factors. The revision of the Toolkit was an open and transparent process, implemented in cooperation with UNEP Chemicals and in consultation with users and specialized experts in the field of emission factors and measurements related to releases of Annex C persistent organic pollutants.
Input into the Toolkit revision has also been received via projects implemented thanks to donor support and in-kind contributions such as the project on brick kilns led by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, projects to determine emission factors for open burning of biomass and waste funded by Sweden, the World Chlorine Council and other donors, as well as through national projects such as those dedicated to household heating and cooking led by Germany, metallurgy sector led by France, Japan and China, and evaluation of simple stoves led by Mexico. Funding from the European Commission allowed the implementation of the Toolkit revision process, through organization of annual expert meetings.
The joint Toolkit and BAT and BEP expert roster is open for inclusion of further experts. Parties and others are encouraged to indicate name(s) and provide curricula vitae of experts.