Work programme
Having amended Annex A to the Convention to list technical endosulfan and its related isomers, at its fifth meeting (COP-5) in 2011, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision SC-5/4, on work programme on endosulfan, recognizing that suitable, cost-effective and safe alternatives need to be identified to facilitate the replacement of the use of endosulfan and noting the respective capabilities of developed and developing countries.
In accordance with the work programme, by 31 July 2011, Parties and observers submitted information on the following aspects of chemical and non-chemical alternatives to endosulfan for the uses identified as specific exemptions in Annex A to the Convention:
- Technical feasibility;
- Health and environmental effects;
- Cost-effectiveness;
- Efficacy;
- Risk, taking into account the characteristics of potential persistent organic pollutants as specified in Annex D to the Convention;
- Availability;
- Accessibility;
- Any other available information.
The Secretariat summarized the information submitted by Parties and others and submitted it to the seventh meeting of the POPs Review Committee (POPRC-7) in 2011.
At POPRC-7, the Committee reviewed the information and identified potential gaps in such information and proposed the ways to fill those gaps; assessed the alternatives to endosulfan in accordance with the general guidance on considerations related to alternatives and substitutes to listed persistent organic pollutants and candidate chemicals (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.5/10/Add.1) on the basis of the information provided, and initiated the preparation of the reports for the Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting on the assessment of alternatives to endosulfan.
At POPRC-8 in 2012, the Committee finalized the reports on the assessment of alternatives to endosulfan and their factsheets.
At its sixth meeting (COP-6) in 2013, the Conference of the Parties adopted decision SC-6/8, by which it encouraged Parties to consider the outcome of the assessment of chemical and non chemical alternatives to endosulfan when choosing alternatives to endosulfan for the use of crop pest complexes available as specific exemptions, emphasizing the need for further assessment under the local conditions prevailing in the context of specific agroecosystems and agricultural practices and giving priority to ecosystem-based approaches to pest control.