The Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in collaboration with UNEP Chemicals and Waste Branch and the Basel Convention Regional Centre for South-East Asia in Indonesia (BCRC-SEA)/Stockholm Convention Regional Centre in Indonesia (SCRC Indonesia). Norway has kindly provided the funding for this training course.
Workshop objectives
- To foster participants’ understanding of the scope of the obligations to update and review their NIPs under article 7 of the Convention in light of POPs listed in 2009, 2011 and 2013;
- To increase participants’ capacity to make an effective use of the guidance documents and other training tools when updating their NIPs;
- To strengthen the capacity of parties to develop effective strategies and action plans towards the elimination of newly listed POPs and enable them to meet their obligation to transmit updated NIPs to the COP.
Target audience
- National officials in the African and Asian region, involved in the process of reviewing and updating the national implementation plans (NIPs).
- Representatives of Regional Centres, GEF Implementing Agencies and the civil society organizations.
This bilingual English-French workshop brought together 35 participants from 18 countries in Asia and Africa (Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Indonesia, Iran, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mauritius, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, Sri Lanka and Vietnam), two GEF implementing agencies (UNEP and UNIDO), IPEN, the BCRC- SEA/SCRC Indonesia and the BRS Secretariat.
The meeting reinforced participants’ capacity to establish and update POPs inventories (PCBs, unintentional POPs, and the newly listed PFOS and BDEs), set priorities and develop action plans. It was an opportunity for participants, all engaged either in the first NIP of their country and/or its review and update, to exchange on their specific national experiences. It also allowed participants to exchange with UNEP and UNIDO on their successes and difficulties in the NIP review and updating process, and to prepare the next steps ahead.