Climate change and POPs: Predicting the Impacts
The report issued jointly by UNEP and AMAP shows that the release, distribution and degradation of POPs into the environment are highly dependent on environmental conditions, among which climate change and increasing climate variability have the potential to affect POPs contamination via changes in emission sources, transport processes and pathways, and routes of degradation.
Click here to access the UNEP/AMAP Expert Group report.
UNEP databank of laboratories analyzing POPs
A databank of existing POPs laboratories has been developed since 2005 through the UNEP/GEF project “Assessment of Existing Capacity and Capacity Building Needs to Analyze POPs in Developing Countries”. The databank was updated in 2018 and is maintained by UNEP Chemicals and Health Branch to support the effectiveness evaluation of the Stockholm Convention.
Click here to access the databank of existing POPs laboratories.