National Implementation Plans and Strategies


Parties to the Stockholm Convention are required to prepare a plan, what is also known as national implementation plan (NIP), explaining how they are going to implement the obligations under the Convention by integrating it with their national sustainable development strategies and make efforts to put such a plan into operation (Article 7) and to transmit it to the Conference of the Parties.  Being a dynamic document, the implementation plan needs to be reviewed and updated to address new obligations under the Convention. Parties expressed the need for the assistance developing and implementing the NIP particularly in the areas of conducting inventories, identifying alternatives, labeling products and articles, screening, disposing of the stockpiles and waste. Parties also require appropriate legal and institutional frameworks implementing the Stockholm Convention at the national level.


  • Develop, review and update guidance documents, including inventory guidance to assist Parties in preparing and implementing of such plans;
  • Foster Parties’ understanding of the scope of the obligations to review and update NIPs under article 7 of the Convention in light of POPs listed in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2017 and to make an effective use of the guidance documents and other training tools when updating NIPs, leading to increased capacity for sustained implementation of the Stockholm Convention.

Recent activities