
In the news

U.N. links climate to chemical exposure

CANCUN, Mexico, Dec. 8 (UPI) - Climate change increases the exposure of persistent organic pollutants, which have long-term health effects on humans, a U.N. study released in Mexico said. More:

Climate change increases vulnerability of planet to persistent organic pollutants

8 Dec. 2010 - The study, 'Climate Change and POPs Inter-Linkages', was conducted by climate and chemical experts from 12 countries.  More:

Climate change can cause cancer

ANI, Dec 9, 2010 - Scientists have warned that melting glaciers and ice sheets are releasing cancer-causing pollutants into the air and oceans. More:

Le réchauffement climatique à l'origine de cancers

7 sur 7, 09.12.2010 - Un rapport de l'ONU met en garde contre les polluants mortels contenus dans les glaciers. La fonte des glaciers et des calottes glaciaires libèrent dans les airs et les océans des polluants cancérogènes. More: (French)

Réchauffement climatique : la fonte des glaciers libère des polluants

14.12.2010 - Un rapport réalisé pour le Programme environnement des Nations Unies met en évidence les risques sanitaires dus aux divers polluants jusqu’alors stockés ou piégés dans les glaces, et libérés par le réchauffement climatique.  More: (French)

Le changement climatique accroît la sensibilité aux POP

14.12.2010 - Le changement climatique, et les changements de températures ont un impact sur l’exposition des êtres humains et des espèces animales et végétales aux POP.  More: (French)

Study: Climate warming will increase the risk of human cancer

14.12.2010 - Melting glaciers and ice sheets are releasing cancer-causing pollutants into the air and oceans, scientists say.  More: (Chinese/English)

Climate Change Increases Planet’s Vulnerability to<br/> Persistent Organic Pollutants

United Nations Climate Change Conference COP 16

Cancun, Mexico
29 November to 10 December 2010

The Stockholm Convention presented the results of the Global Study on Climate Change and POPs at the UN Climate Change Conference COP 16, held in Cancun, Mexico.

Flood in Kando Khan Bozdar village, Pakistan. Photo: Gideon Mendel

Cancun, Mexico, 7 December 2010 - The global study finds climate change increases exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and heightens their toxic effects on humans and the environment, increasing the planet's vulnerability to these chemicals. 

The study,"Climate Change and POPs Inter-Linkages", was conducted by climate and chemical experts from 12 countries, and is the first systematic and authoritative review of the impact of climate change on the release of POPs into the environment, their long range transport and environmental fate, and human and environmental exposure.

Among the major conclusions of the study, global warming increases emissions of POPs and exposure of humans and wildlife via the food chain and will also affect biodiversity, ecosystems and vulnerability. Global warming contributes also to a higher frequency of extreme weather events, which can cause severe flooding, triggering the secondary emissions of POPs.

Press Release

UN Climate Change Conference COP 16

Press conference "Climate Change and POPs"

Presentation of the results of the "Global Study on Climate Change and POPs"

7 December, 2010, Moon Palace Expo Centre, Cancun, Mexico

Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention at the Climate Change and POPs Press Conference - Cancun, Mexico, 7 December 2010.
Climate Change and POPs, UNFCCC COP16, Cancun December 2010

Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention, presented the key findings of the global study, Climate Change and POPs Interlinkages, at a press conference organized by UNEP at the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 7 December 2011.

Mr. Cooper was joined by Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson, Dr. Adrian Fernandez, President, National Institute of Ecology, Mexico, and H.E. Dr. Cameron Munter, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan (via video).

Mr. Nuttall initiated the press conference highlighting the impact of the release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on the entire globe population, which makes the issue truly one of global concern. He drew attention to the release earlier that same day of a UNEP report on glaciers in Southern South America and Alaska melting faster than those in Europe as one of the mechanisms by which POPs are increasing becoming bioavailable and entering the global food chain.

Remarks by Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary

Transcription of Ambassador Cameron Munter video statement 
(PDF document)

Summary report of the press conference (PDF document)

Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention and Co-Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam Convention

Art exhibition "WHAT WILL BE"

The visual and performing arts for a Safe Planet at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP16

2-10 December, 2010, Universidad Tecnologica de Cancun, Cancun, Mexico

What Will Be

Safe Planet presented an art exhibition at the UN Climate Change Summmit in Cancun, Mexico, featuring the work of artists from Canada, Czech Republic, Mexico, Pakistan, South Africa, UK and USA that seek to challenge common perceptions of hazardous chemicals and wastes.

More information:

Exhibition catalogue (PDF document)
Safe Planet Background Note (PDF document)
Universidad Tecnologica de Cancun web page (Spanish)
Muestran obra ambiental en Cancún   published in (Spanish)

Pakistan: "When The Flood Came"

Presentation of Gideon Mendel's film "When The Flood Came"

2 - 10 December, 2010, Moon Palace Expo Centre, Cancun, Mexico

Safe Planet presented Gideon Mendel's film "When The Flood Came", a documentary of Mendel's visit to the Sindh province, in Pakistan, six weeks after the 2010 floods first hit. 

Its special feature, on Thursday 9 December, was introduced by Dr. Marilyn Wyatt, through video from Islamabad, Pakistan.

Transcription of Dr. Marilyn Wyatt's introduction video (PDF document)

Media conference "Crisis of Plastic Pollution"

Findings released from world's first plastic-research voyage through the Southern Hemisphere

10 December, 2010

On Friday, 10 December 2010, the Two Oceans Aquarium, in conjunction with the 5 Gyres Institute, the United Nations Safe Planet Campaign and Simon MAX Bannister, hosted a media conference on the crisis of plastic pollution in the oceans at the Aquarium.

Media release (PDF document)

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