Presentation of the results of the "Global Study on Climate Change and POPs"
7 December, 2010, Moon Palace Expo Centre, Cancun, Mexico
Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention at the Climate Change and POPs Press Conference - Cancun, Mexico, 7 December 2010.
Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention, presented the key findings of the global study, Climate Change and POPs Interlinkages, at a press conference organized by UNEP at the UN Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico, on 7 December 2011.
Mr. Cooper was joined by Nick Nuttall, UNEP Spokesperson, Dr. Adrian Fernandez, President, National Institute of Ecology, Mexico, and H.E. Dr. Cameron Munter, U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan (via video).
Mr. Nuttall initiated the press conference highlighting the impact of the release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) on the entire globe population, which makes the issue truly one of global concern. He drew attention to the release earlier that same day of a UNEP report on glaciers in Southern South America and Alaska melting faster than those in Europe as one of the mechanisms by which POPs are increasing becoming bioavailable and entering the global food chain.
Remarks by Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary
Transcription of Ambassador Cameron Munter video statement
(PDF document)
Summary report of the press conference (PDF document)