In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 8 of the Convention, the Committee examined the revised draft risk profile developed at its fourth meeting (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.5/2/Rev.1). The concluding statement of the revised draft risk profile states:
“Currently, concentrations of short-chained chlorinated paraffins in remote areas are lower than known concentrations of concern. Available monitoring data do not show that the environmental levels are increasing in concentrations at this time. Given demonstrated long range transport and the ability to accumulate, there is potential for increases should releases continue or increase”.
To facilitate the assessment of future trends in environmental concentrations and the potential for adverse effects in humans and the environment, the Committee decided to invite Parties and observers to submit information supplemental to Annex E of the Convention, as follows:
(a) Updated production data;
(b) Inventories of uses;
(c) Information on releases such as discharges, losses and emissions.
(d) Additional information that could assist the Committee with its evaluation, including on toxicity, ecotoxicity, and on national and international risk evaluations.
The Chair and drafter of the draft risk profile for short-chained chlorinated paraffins will review the information submitted by Parties and observers and complete the revised draft for consideration at the sixth meeting of the Committee in October 2010.
How to submit information?
A form with a general guidance and explanatory notes developed by the Committee is available above. You may also provide a free text submission. Please submit the information to the Secretariat, preferably by e-mail to
Deadline for submissions has been extended to: 20 May 2010.
Concerning the submission of confidential information, please note that the code of practice for the treatment of confidential information in the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee adopted in decision SC-3/9 by the Conference of the Parties is available on the Convention’s website.
For questions, please contact: Ms. Kei Ohno (e-mail:; telephone +41 22 917 8201).