Side events

MCCPs: implications of chemical identity definition and results from the Norwegian monitoring programmes

23 September, 12:45 - 14:30

Organized by European Union, Norway, Switzerland


Items: 3Load time table: 655.2094 msec 
Oscar Mendo DiazDevelopments in the analysis of chlorinated paraffins – Tools for their automatic data evaluation 2.54 MB
Maja Nipen, Anders Røsrud BorgenCongener group profiles of MCCPs in environmental samples from Norwegian monitoring programmes 1.67 MB
Rossella DemiMCCPs chlorination degree approach versus MCCPs chlorination degree approach versus congener-based approach 862.47 K

The need for global control of short-chain PFASs

24 September, 12:45 - 14:15

Organized by Switzerland


Items: 6Load time table: 608.4276 msec 
SwitzerlandSide-event on the need for global control of short-chain PFASs: information note 334.32 K
SwitzerlandSide-event on the need for global control of short-chain PFASs: Introduction 115.09 K
Martin Scheringer - ETH ZürichWhy Are Extremely Persistent Chemicals a Problem? The Case of Short-Chain PFASs 1.54 MB
Switzerland - Andreas BuserPotential options to address short-chain PFASs at the global level 416.26 K
Senegal - Sam Adu-Kumi SCRC, Senegal, Former POPRC Member, GhanaSide-event on the need for global control of short-chain PFASs 847.92 K
Suriname - Victorine PinasPFAS challenges Suriname 331.24 K

Systematic data quality evaluation and weight of evidence (WoE) methodology for the assessment of POPs (SETAC)

25 September, 13:00 - 14:15

Organized by the Society of Environment Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)


Items: 3Load time table: 608.4137 msec 
Christopher Hughes (Embark Chemical Consulting)Use of Systematic Data Quality Evaluation and Weight-of-Evidence (WoE) Methodology for Assessment of Persistence in the Stockholm Convention 1.66 MB
Jon Arnot (ARC Arnot Research & Consulting)Use of Systematic Data Quality Evaluation and Weight-of-Evidence (WoE) Methodology for Assessment of Bioaccumulation in the Stockholm Convention 3.22 MB
Michael McLachlan (Stockholm University)Advancements in the Science Associated with Evaluating Long-Range Environment Transport (LRET) 899.74 K

Practical PFAS Foam Transition: Challenges and Solutions

26 September, 13:00 - 14:15

Organized by Finland


Items: 3Load time table: 639.6167 msec 
Michael Tisbury (United Firefighters Union of Australia)Practical PFAS Foam Transition: Challenges and Solutions 3.14 MB
Timo Seppälä (Finland)Practical PFAS Foam Transition: Challenges and Solutions846.61 K
Peter Dawson (New Zealand)Regulation of PFAS Fire Fighting Foams in New Zealand 678.5 K

Ms. Kei Ohno Woodall