New York, USA, 28 February - 4 March 2011
The Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting (IPM) of the 19th session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-19) took place at the UN headquarters in New York on 28 February-4 March 2011.
The IPM’s role was to provide a forum to discuss policy options to foster progress in the five thematic issues under consideration and produce a draft negotiating text to be adopted at CSD-19 on 2-13 May 2011 in New York. Two of the thematic issues being reviewed are chemicals and wastes and relate directly to the work of the Secretariats of the Basel; Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions.
Panel discussions: Chemicals and wastes
1st March - During the session on chemicals, Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention and co-Executive Secretary of the Rotterdam Convention, highlighted four key sustainable solutions in this field: strengthening the governance framework, including promoting a more unified international framework, following the example of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions; mainstreaming sound chemicals management into development agendas; promoting SCP; and public-private partnerships.
Sustainable solutions for the sound management of chemicals. Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention
2nd March - Katarina Kummer Peiry, Executive Secretary of the Basel Convention, participated as panelist in the discussions on wastes management held on Wednesday 2 March.
Side Event: Promoting Economic and Social Benefits of Sound Management of Chemicals and Wastes
1st March - In the margins of IPM, the conventions organised a side-event on Promoting Economic and Social Benefits of Sound Management of Chemicals and Wastes, in partnership with UNEP Chemicals and UNDP. The panelists highlighted the benefits for countries of investing in this field and presented several pathways to leverage financial resources.
Cutting Costs while Introducing Safer Chemicals: the Case of DDT. Donald Cooper, Executive Secretary of the Stockholm Convention
Economic Opportunities in Sound Management of Chemicals and Wastes. Katarina Kummer Peiry, Executive Secretary of the Basel Convention
Promoting the assessment of the full economic impact of chemicals: Initial findings on the Cost of Inaction. Kaj Madsen, Senior Programme Officer, UNEP Chemicals