Second Toolkit Expert Meeting

Second Toolkit Expert Meeting

Geneva, Switzerland
from 5 to 7 December 2007

In response to the request of the Conference of the Parties, at its third meeting, relative to the ongoing review and updating of the Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases, the Secretariat and the Chemicals Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme’s Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (UNEP Chemicals) organized jointly the second expert meeting to further develop the Toolkit. The meeting was held from 5 to 7 December 2007 in Geneva, Switzerland, at International Environment House, 11-13, chemin des Anémones, CH-1219 Châtelaine.

meeting participants

In Total 28 persons of 20 countries attended the meeting. The number of participants per category is as follows:

  • Toolkit nominated experts: 20
  • Invited experts: 1
  • Non-Governmental Organizations: 2 
  • Observers: 5

Meeting Documents

Meeting report    

Presentations - National Activities

Emission of PCDD/PCDF from Otto vehicles Emissions of PCDD/F from Otto vehicles. João de Assunção52.71 K
Evaluation of Emission Factors for Category 3. Ute Karl1.11 MB
French measurement campaign of PCDD/Fs, HCB and PCBs from biomass boilers. Emmanuel Fiani433.51 K
Inventory of Dioxin and Furan releases in Potchefstroom, South Africa-experience with Toolkit use. Henk Bouwman3.83 MB
Concentrations of Unintentional POPs in Soils and Ashes from Benin, Africa. Heidelore Fiedler695.5 K
Environmental concerns related to the atmospheric emissions and ash residues from the burning of olive cake after extraction of residual oil “Kernel-oil extraction and charcoal production Factories in the Mediterranean region.” Marwan Dimashki6.36 MB

Presentations - UNEP Projects

Experimental realization of waste burns. Stellan Marklund755.92 K
UNEP Project “Emission Factors from Open Burning of Biomass – Toolkit Category 6(b). Heidelore Fiedler1.9 MB
UNEP Project “Hazardous Substances from Open Burning of Waste in Developing Countries”. Heidelore Fiedler3.84 MB
Study of waste composition and waste dump fires in Mexico. Beatriz Cardenas9.63 MB
Waste composition in China. Minghui Zheng1.88 MB

Live Content

Toolkit2 Report