Capacity-building activities related to National Implementation Plans (NIPs)
The capacity-building activities on NIPs aim at assisting country Parties in:
- revising and updating their NIPs for new POPs, e.g. establishing inventories of new POPs,
- implementing BAT and BEP for new POPs,
- strengthening import control of POPs,
- strengthening their regulatory framework to monitor POPs,
- ensuring a sound labelling of products or articles that contain POPs.
These activities target national official contact points under the convention, experts and observers who are involved in the process of reviewing and updating their NIPs.
Planned activities in 2012
- Capacity-building workshops on revising and updating NIPs : June- August
- Series of 10 webinars: March – August
Past activities
Find more information in the Assistance for NIP updating leaflet |
Capacity-building activities relevant to Annex A chemicals
The capacity-building activities on Annex A chemicals aim at assisting country Parties in:
- promoting the environmentally sound management and disposal of Annex A chemicals (e.g. PCB/PCB-contaminated equipment, articles and products that may contain BDEs, etc.),
- enhancing information exchange on alternatives and substitutes for phasing out the use of Annex A chemicals which have specific exemptions under the convention (e.g. Lindane for pharmaceutical uses).
These activities target national official contact points under the convention, experts (e.g. PEN members) and observers who are involved in the implementation of the Convention at the regional and national levels.
Past activities
Capacity-building activities relevant to Annex B chemicals
The capacity-building activities on Annex B chemicals aim at assisting country Parties in
- enhancing information exchange on alternatives and substitutes to Annex B chemicals (e.g. DDT and PFOS),
- reviewing and reporting on continued need for Annex B chemicals,
- promoting the environmentally sound management and disposal of Annex B chemicals.
These activities target national official contact points under the convention, experts (e.g. vector control programme managers) and observers who are involved in the implementation of the Convention at the regional and national levels.
Planned activities in 2012
- Capacity-building workshops on revising and updating NIPs : June- August
- Series of 10 webinars: March – August
Past activities
Capacity-building activities relevant to Annex C chemicals
These activities aim at assisting country Parties in:
- using the methodologies offered by the Toolkit to revise and update the initial inventory on PCDD/PDCF,
- implementing the Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practiced guidelines to reduce or eliminate unintentional releases of POPs.
These activities target more specifically country Parties in the process of revising their PCDD/PDCF inventories, and other relevant stakeholders involved in this work.
Planned activities in 2012
- Webinars on updating on national inventories of unintentional POPs (on demand)
- Workshops to assist with revising and updating NIPs (tentative May, June, July)
Past activities
Capacity-building activities relevant to enhancing cooperation and coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
These capacity-building activities aim at:
- enhancing awareness on the process to enhance coordination and cooperation among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions,
- increasing knowledge of a number of issues that are key for a coordinated implementation of the conventions at the national level, such as import/export controls, financial resources mobilization.
These activities target more specifically Official contact points under the conventions: Basel Convention Competent Authorities, Rotterdam Convention Designated National Authorities and Stockholm Convention Official Contact Points.
Planned activities in 2012
For general synergies issues:
- Regional workshop for Arabic-speaking countries (tentative)
For customs:
- Regional and national Green Customs Initiative workshops:
- Customs e-learning platform, in partnership with WCO: Fall 2012
Capacity-building activities relevant to the Effective participation in the POPRC
These capacity-building activities aim at:
- Enhancing awareness on the POPRC’s work on candidate POPs and emerging issues regarding newly listed POPs, e.g. assessment of their alternatives and the evaluation of the progress made in elimination of newly listed POPs by COP,
- Supporting Parties and observers to collect information that contributes to the work of the Committee in that regard.
These activities target present and future members of the POPRC, official focal points under the Convention and stakeholders involved in the work of the Committee.
Planned activities in 2012
- Webinars on “How to benefit from and to contribute to the Committee’s Work? Issues addressed by the current intersessional work programme “, April 2012
Past activities