Principles for the organization

The work of the Global Alliance has to be organized in a manner that respects its non-involvement in funding and executing programmes on the ground, yet addresses expectations that it will trigger significant action in support of the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT.

It is thus suggested that the following principles guide the organization:

  • The Global Alliance will not undertake substantive operations related to vector control and will not be directly involved in funding and execution of projects on the ground. The Global Alliance will respect and avoid duplication of existing initiatives involved in developing and deploying alternatives to DDT, and will seek to strengthen and contribute to them;
  • The Global Alliance will help to strengthen the impact of existing initiatives by enhancing their visibility and coordination and will help trigger concrete action and foster new initiatives or partnerships where gaps are identified;
  • The Global Alliance will include in its work, relevant Inter-Governmental Organizations (WHO, UNEP, World Bank), governments, private sector organizations, academic and research institutions, non-governmental/civil society organizations and other stakeholders involved in developing and deploying alternatives to DDT. It will also work with stakeholders involved in vector control and malaria control;
  • The Global Alliance will provide an opportunity for stakeholders to contribute to the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT through a flexible and inclusive mechanism. Partners will be able to contribute at the advisory level and/ or at the technical level through the implementation of activities.

The Global Alliance membership

All stakeholders including organizations and individuals engaged within the scope of developing and deploying alternatives to DDT for disease vector control are invited to take part. This includes members of organizations whose purpose and mandate lie in the core of the Global Alliance’s objectives and who wish to generate synergies on specific issues. Professional experts who are committed to the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT may join as Individual members. 

All Members will benefit from expertise, networking, materials, reports, and other resources, provided by the Global Alliance. Potential members need to agree on goals and challenges to be addressed to develop and deploy alternatives to DDT and the required steps to resolve them. Members of organizations and individual experts are invited to submit the “Members’ Declaration” reflecting the shared objectives and commitments to become a member of the Global Alliance towards achieving the goals.

Members of the Global Alliance

List of members of the Global Alliance including those who participate in its committees and core-teams:

Members of the Global Alliance

Functional chart of the Global Alliance

Functional chart of the Global Alliance
Functional chart of the Global Alliance for developing and deploying alternatives to DDT

Global Alliance Assembly

The Global Alliance Assembly will comprise all Members of the Global Alliance. As the supreme governing body, its role will be to endorse the composition of the Steering Committee, to approve the strategy proposed by the Steering Committee and progress reports submitted by the Thematic Groups, and to approve the annual budget and the annual financial report.

Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will be the decision making body between the meetings of the Alliance Assembly. Its role will include the following:

  • Provide strategic direction and priority setting for the Global Alliance; prepare a strategy and submit it to the Alliance Assembly for approval; approve an annual work plan, monitor and review its implementation;
  • Endorse the establishment and mandates of Thematic Groups and review their periodic progress reports;
  • Identify gaps and issues in the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT based on inputs from Members;
  • Provide oversight and guidance for the Coordinating Team;
  • Secure funding for the Global Alliance operating budget;
  • Review the annual Financial report and submit it to the Alliance Assembly for approval;
  • Review new membership applications to the Global Alliance and admit new members; terminate memberships.

 Members of the Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will be made up of 15 members, with two representatives from Stockholm Convention Party countries in each region (10 members) with due consideration to malaria endemic countries and a representative from each of the other group of Stakeholders including academic and research institutions, multilaterals, civil society/non-governmental organizations, donor countries/ foundations and private sector.

In addition to the 15 members, the Coordinator will be an ex-officio member of the Steering Committee. Each group will determine a process for selecting its representation. The Coordinator will facilitate the nominations and submit a proposal for the composition of the Steering Committee to the Alliance Assembly for approval.

The Steering Committee will have a term of two years and be chaired by a chairperson elected from amongst the Steering Committee members.


The Steering Committee will meet at least once a year. Discussions will be open to the participation of organizational and individual Members as observers, without voting status.

Thematic Groups

The Thematic Groups will be the Global Alliance’s mechanism to undertake substantive work and implement the Global Alliance strategy.