Third Interim Steering Committee Meeting on the Global Alliance for the Development and Deployment of Alternatives to DDT for Disease Vector Control

Bonn, Germany, from 15 to 16 March 2011

The Interim Steering Committee of the Global Alliance for alternatives to DDT meets from 15th to 16th March 2011 in the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Bonn, Germany. The Steering Committee is the decision-making body between the meetings of the Global Alliance Assembly. 

The main objectives of this meeting are to review the progress on the establishment of five thematic groups proposed for the implementation of its activities and to finalize the arrangements for the first meeting of the Global Alliance Assembly scheduled to be held on the 26th April 2011, in Geneva, during the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention.

Working Documents


 Document SymbolTitleEnglish
UNEP/POPS/GAISC.3/1/AgendaProvisional agenda166.5 K
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Third Meeting of the Interim Steering Committee of the Global Alliance for the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT for disease vector control
Bonn, Germany, 15 – 16 March 2011

UNEP/POPS/GAISC.3/2Report of the third meeting of the interim steering committee100.86 K
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Opening of the meeting
1. The third meeting of the Interim Steering Committee of the Global Alliance for the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT for disease vector control was held at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in Bonn, Germany, from 15 to 16 March, 2011.

UNEP/POPS/GAISC.3/3/GAA-BackgroundDraft - Background Note - Assembly of the Global Alliance for the development and deployment of products, methods and strategies as alternatives to DDT for disease vector control 215.5 K
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Third Meeting of the Interim Steering Committee of the Global Alliance for the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT for disease vector control
Bonn, Germany, 15 – 16 March 2011

The global alliance for the development and deployment of products, methods and strategies as alternatives to DDT for disease vector control was endorsed by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting (Decision SC4/2) as described in the business plan (UNEP/POPS/COP.4/6/Rev.1).

UNEP/POPS/GAISC.3/4/GAA-GovStructure-DRAFT- rev1 - Proposals for the governing structure of the Alliance Assembly 214.5 K
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The global alliance for the development and deployment of products, methods and strategies as alternatives to DDT for disease vector control was endorsed by the Conference of the Parties at its fourth meeting (Decision SC4/2) as described in the business plan (UNEP/POPS/COP.4/6/Rev.1).

UNEP/POPS/GAISC.3/5/GAA-AgendaProvisional agenda (DRAFT:rev1) for the Assembly of the Global Alliance for the development and deployment of products, methods and strategies as alternatives to DDT for disease vector control -26th April 2011211.5 K
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Opening of the meeting
2. Organizational matters:
(a) Election of co-chairs;
(b) Adoption of the agenda;

Information Documents


Poster Award on on Innovative Alternatives to DDT used for Malaria Vector Control - Organized by Biovision - Supported by the Global Alliance for Alternatives to DDT and sponsored by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation 1.18 MB

Documents of the First Core-Teams Meetings


UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGCE.1/2Reports of the first meeting of the core-team on cost-effectiveness of alternatives to DDT75.93 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGCHM.1/2Report of the first meeting of the core-team on reducing barriers to bringing new chemicals and products to market59.86 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGIVM.1/2Reports of the first meeting of the core-team on strengthening of in-country decision making on integrated vector management519.43 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGNONC.1/2Report of the first meeting of the core-team on reducing barriers for bringing new nonchemical methods into use72.51 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGCE.1/3Plan of action for the Thematic Group on Cost-effectiveness of alternatives to DDT129.74 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGCHM.1/3Plan of Action for the Implementation of Thematic Group on Reducing Barriers to Bringing New Chemicals and Products to Market (draft document)200 K 134.26 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGIVM.1/3Plan of action on Strengthening of In-country Decision Making on IVM203.5 K 161.5 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGNONC.1/3Plan of action for the Thematic Group on Reducing Barriers for Bringing New Nonchemical methods into use200.5 K 134.27 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGIVM.1/4Report developed by the Secretariat on the review of the current status of implementation of integrated vector management215.71 K
UNEP/POPS/DDT/GA/TGIVM.1/5Report of the workshop on strengthening of country capacities to implement integrated vector management toward reducing the reliance on DDT for eight disease endemic countries - Nairobi June 2010281.87 K