Stakeholders’ Meeting to review the interim report for the establishment of a global partnership to develop alternatives to DDT

Geneva, Switzerland, from 3 to 5 November 2008

One hundred participants from governments, researchers, intergovernmental organizations, non government organizations, industry and other interest groups gathered to review the draft Business Plan to promote a global partnership for developing alternatives to DDT.

Press Release

Alternatives to DDT on International Radar

Meeting by UNEP-Linked Stockholm Convention to Address Issues Surrounding Controversial Pesticide

November 2008, Geneva/Nairobi  - Boosting cost effective and environmentally-friendly alternatives to the malaria-controlling chemical DDT will be high on the international agenda when delegates meet in early November.




Programme242.69 K
Agenda34.94 K
Global status of DDT and its alternatives for use in vector control to prevent disease310.96 K
Interim report on the development and deployment of alternatives to DDT for disease vector control268.85 K
Report of the Stakeholders’ Meeting to review the interim report for the establishment of a global partnership to develop alternatives to DDT539 K 267.86 K


DDT and the Stockholm Convention. SSC.84.57 K
Interin report on the development and deployment of alternative to DDT for disease vector control. Magali Cubier, Dalberg125.54 K
Global status of DDT and its alternatives for use in vector control to prevent disease. Henk van den Berg, Wageningen University.1.19 MB
DDT Alternatives for Malaria Control in India. R.S. Sharma, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India.1.3 MB
GEF support for the development of alternatives to DDT. GEF237.8 K
Viable DDT alternatives for malaria control - The Kenyan case. Paul Saoke, PSR-Kenya. IPEN654.97 K
The Current Status of Vector Control R&D. Tom McLean, IVCC753.99 K
A review of available interventions for malaria control. Dr. John Chimumbwa. RTI International633.75 K
Alternative products, methods & strategies to DDT for disease ventor control: toward a cost-benefit analysis. B. Solomon, Michigan Tech. University and University of Gothenburg191.46 K
Development and deployment of alternatives to DDT. An industry perspective. CropLife Int.421.36 K