Pretoria, South Africa from 13 September to 15 September 2022

Highlights: The addition of chemicals to Annexes A, B or C of the Stockholm Convention triggers the need for most Parties to review and update the national implementation plans (NIPs) in accordance with decision SC-1/12. Parties have expressed the need for assistance in the process, in particular in addressing newly listed POPs that are widely used for industrial purposes and are contained in products and articles. A set of guidance documents has been developed to assist Parties in establishing inventories, identifying and monitoring the products and articles containing these POPs, and selecting best available techniques and best environmental practices for the management of new POPs and identifying and promoting alternatives among others. The workshop was focused on disseminating of the newly developed inventory guidance on short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) and commercial mixture of decabromodiphenyl ether (c-decaBDE) and other brominated flame retardants (BFRs) listed under the Convention.
Working language: English with French interpretation
Organizers: The workshop was organized by the Secretariat of the Stockholm Conventions in cooperation with Africa Institute which hosts the Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for English-speaking countries in Africa (SCRC South Africa), Pretoria, South Africa.
Meeting objectives:
- Fostering participants’ understanding of the scope of the obligations to update and review their NIPs under article 7 of the Convention in light of POPs listed in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019.
Increasing participants’ capacity to make an effective use of the guidance documents and other training tools when updating their NIPs.
Strengthening the capacity of Parties to develop effective strategies and action plans towards the elimination of newly listed POPs and enable them to meet their obligation to transmit updated NIPs to the COP.
Promoting networking between various partners and agencies assisting parties in implementing the obligations under the Stockholm Convention with Parties to the Convention
Target audience:
- National officials, experts in the African region, involved in the process of reviewing and updating the national implementation plans (NIPs).
Representatives of Regional Centres, GEF Implementing Agencies and the civil society organizations and other stakeholders.