Global Workshop - Beijing 2013

Global workshop on updating NIP, including updating and revising PCDD/PDCF inventories

Beijing, China
from 26 to 29 August 2013

The global workshop on updating national implementation plans, including updating and revising PCDD/PCDF inventories plans to address the persistent organic pollutants listed in 2009 and 2011 and it will be held from 26 to 29 August 2013 at the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity Building and the Transfer of Technology in Asia and the Pacific in China. It will target national officials of different countries in the world, who have started the process of reviewing and updating the national implementation plans (NIPs). Representatives of Regional Centres, UNEP Regional Offices representatives and GEF implementing Agencies will be invited. The workshop is jointly organized by the Regional Centre and the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention.

Information for Participants

Workshop objectives

  • Fostering participants’ understanding of the scope of the obligations to update and review their NIPs under article 7 of the Convention in light of POPs listed in 2009 and 2011.
  • Increasing participants’ capacity to make an effective use of the guidance documents and other training tools when updating their NIPs, leading to increased capacity for sustained implementation of the Conventions.
  • To strengthen the capacity of parties to develop effective strategies and action plans towards the elimination of POPs and enable them to meet their obligation under the Convention to transmit updated NIPs to the COP.
  • To provide guidance to parties in evaluating effectiveness of activities undertaken as a result of implementation of the initial NIPs, to evaluate their impact and derive lessons learnt that can favour the development of more effective strategies for updating NIPs.
  • To raise awareness of parties on revised and new information available in the Toolkit, train parties in the use of the Toolkit and to elaborate inventories of sources and releases of Annex C POPs, as well as inventory updates and revisions.

Target Audience

National officials of different countries in the world, who have started the process of reviewing and updating the national implementation plans (NIPs), including Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Montenegro, Georgia, Kyrgyz Republic, Nepal, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Representatives of Regional Centres, UNEP Regional Offices representatives and GEF implementing Agencies have also been welcome to participate in the meeting.

Timing and Venue

The workshop will take place in cooperation with the Basel and Stockholm Convention Regional Centre for Capacity Building and the Transfer of Technology in Asia and the Pacific in China in Beijing, China, 26-29 August 2013.

More information about the workshop will be available shortly.

Information to participants

Click here for more information about the workshop.