PCBs Elimination Network

Third meeting of the Advisory Committee of the PCBs Elimination Network

Lyon, France
from 23 to 25 November 2011

The third meeting of the Advisory Committee of the PCBs Elimination Network took place from 23 to 25 November 2011 in Lyon, France. The members of the Advisory Committee met to review the progress made in the activities undertaken by the network during 2011 and prepare a workplan for 2012. The Committee also provided advice on the future organizational arrangement of the PCBs Elimination Network. The meeting was organized in cooperation with the French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development, Transport and Housing.

Working Documents


Document SymbolTitleEnglish
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/1/Rev.1Provisional agenda276 K 26.69 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/2Review of outcomes of the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention relevant to the PCBs Elimination Network324 K 61.56 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/3/Rev.1Report on activities of the PCBs elimination network327 K 50.74 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/4Draft work plans for 2012 to 2013370.5 K 72.33 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/5Report of the third meeting of the Advisory Committee for the Polychlorinated Biphenyls Elimination Network518.5 K 144.05 K

Information documents


Document SymbolTitleEnglish
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/INF/1Tentative schedule for the meeting293 K 36.65 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/INF/2Members of the advisory committee of the polychlorinated biphenyls elimination network309 K 34.99 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/INF/3Reporting on progress in eliminating PCBs in accordance with paragraph (g) Part II of Annex A to the Stockholm Convention629.5 K 131.67 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/INF/4Reporting format for parties’ reporting on progress in eliminating polychlorinated biphenyls in accordance with paragraph (g) Part II of Annex A to the Stockholm Convention373 K 80.75 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/INF/5List of Participants304 K 31.79 K

Presentation Documents


Document SymbolTitleEnglish
Items: 6  
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/1Jinhui Li: PCBs Inventory Guidance1.72 MB
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/2Anna Ortiz Salazar: Guidance on maintenance, handling and interim storage56.13 K
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/3Alan Watson: The Disposal of PCBs5.11 MB
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/4Niklas Johansson: Current inventory and cleanup of PCBs in Sweden1.69 MB
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/5Trédi: Sources and behavior of PCBs in environment2.53 MB
UNEP/POPS/PEN-AC.3/PRESEN/6Pauline Langeron: Policy and measures related to PCB equipments662.5 K


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