Expert meeting on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices under the Stockholm Convention

Geneva, Switzerland from 11 to 13 October 2022

Venue: International Environment House 2 (IEH-2), Châtelaine, Switzerland

Overview: The expert meeting on Best Available Techniques (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) under the Stockholm Convention was held from 11 to 13 October 2022 in Geneva, Switzerland. The focus of the meeting was on the finalization of the guidance documents within the current intersessional period for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting, the identification of guidance documents that need to be revised or newly developed in the next intersessional period, and the development of conclusions and recommendations and the workplan for the next biennium for consideration at the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting.

Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Working language: English

Meeting objectives:

  • To finalize the guidance documents within the current intersessional period for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting;
  • To identify which guidance needs to be revised or developed in the next intersessional period;
  • To develop conclusions and recommendations and the workplan for the next biennium for consideration at the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting

Target audience: Experts nominated by Parties and others to be consulted in the process of review and update of the Toolkit and of the guidelines and guidance on best available techniques and best environmental practices.

Meeting Documents


Items: 10Load time table: 1201.223 msec
Provisional agenda62.78 K 146.9 K
Tentative schedule of the meeting66.85 K 158.13 K
Report on the PCDD/PCDF releases reported according to Article 5 and Annex C13.49 MB 3.58 MB
Guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention: section V.C. on production of pulp using elemental chlorine or chemicals generating elemental chlorine940.54 K 541.25 K
Guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention: section V.I.C. on residential combustion sources116 K 338.7 K
Guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention: section V.I.L. on smouldering of copper cables93.19 K 204.8 K
Guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention: section V.I.J. on textile and leather dyeing (with chloranil) and finishing (with alkaline extraction)85.91 K 262.77 K
Guidelines on best available techniques and guidance on best environmental practices relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention: section V.I.K. on shredder plants for the treatment of end-of-life vehicles348.86 K 1.27 MB
Draft conclusions, recommendations and workplan of the experts on the Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Releases of Dioxins, Furans and Other Unintentional Persistent Organic Pollutants under Article 5 of the Stockholm Convention and on best available techniques and best environmental practices78.89 K 192.61 K
Report of the expert meeting on best available techniques and best environmental practices under the Stockholm Convention112.32 K 267.56 K

Information for participants


Items: 2Load time table: 670.8185 msec
Information for participants462.22 K
Hotels in Geneva1.31 MB

Photo album


Contact information

For questions regarding the meeting, please contact