Learning centre on chemicals management
Tuesday, 3 May 2011 at 10 am-1 pm, Room B, North Lawn Building (NLB), UN headquarters
The learning session, which was organised by UNEP Chemicals, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention, aimed at providing concrete information on three important policy areas for the thematic area on Chemicals: future trends in the production and use of chemicals, chemical management and linkages with human health and the environment, and case studies on international agreements and partnerships as a tool for achieving sound management of chemicals.
Listing of new chemicals under the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |
Learning centre on chemicals, wastes and sustainable development: Overcoming new challenges
Friday, 6 May 2011 at 3-6 pm, Room B, NLB, UN headquarters
The learning session, which was organised by the Secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and UNEP Chemicals, aimed at interacting with participants on some of the main challenges currently facing the sound management of chemicals and wastes. Emphasis was placed on industrial chemicals, electrical and electronic wastes and measures to prevent the illegal traffic in hazardous wastes. Recent developments regarding the listing of new chemicals under the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions were also highlighted.
Learning session programme |
Ice-breaker |
Overview of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions |
Listing of new chemicals under the Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions: Endosulfan by FAO |
Chemicals in products by UNEP Chemicals |
Industrial chemicals: challenges by UNEP Chemicals |
Rotterdam Convention's programme on industrial chemicals |
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) by US EPA |
E-waste and PACE by conventions secretariats |
Illegal traffic in hazardous waste by conventions secretariats |
Side-event on integrating sound management: Engaging civil society in sustainability
Monday, 9 May 2011 at 1:15-2:45 pm, Room 4, NLB, UN headquarters
Organised by the UN CSD Education Working Group, this interactive policy forum on "Integrating Sound Management: Engaging Civil Society in Sustainability" aimed at identifying opportunities for innovation, implementation, and learning leading to advance the thematic topics considered by this Agenda 21 CSD 19 Policy Session.
Side event programme |
High level side-event launching the Publication on Synergies Success Stories: Enhancing Cooperation and Coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
Wednesday, 11 May 2011 at 1:15-2:45 pm, Room B, NLB, UN headquarters
Over the past years, the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions have set up a unique process to enhance collaboration and coordination among the conventions. The so-called synergies process among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions demonstrates that international environmental governance can be enhanced with the aim of fostering the implementation of a cluster of related MEAs.
Developed jointly by the secretariats of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions and the Division for Sustainable Development of UNDESA, the publication on “Synergies Success Stories” aims at presenting the ongoing synergistic work in the areas of chemicals and wastes and show casing practical ways of implementing the conventions in a coordinated way. The publication “Synergies Success Stories” was officially launched at the side-event.
Side event programme |
Publication on Success Stories on Synergies |
Success Stories and Lessons learned |
Green Customs Initiative by UNEP DTIE |
Probo Koala Programme by conventions secretariats |
GENASIS by the Czech Republic |
Safe Planet Body Burden Forum
Thursday, 12 May 2011 at 1:15-2:45 pm, Room 4, NLB, UN headquarters
Safe Planet: the United Nations Campaign for Responsibility on Hazardous Chemicals and Wastes invite high-profile personages and international experts to engage in a dialogue on how human bio-monitoring information can support the Millennium Development Goals and World Summit on Sustainable Development 2020 target to achieve sound management of chemicals and wastes.
The Forum discussed the results of human milk monitoring survey on POPs and WHO review of global burden of chemical exposure and initiatives of the chemical cluster conventions to raise awareness and motivate public action to reduce the risks to public health and the environment. During the Forum, the short documentary film, Body Burden was screened.
Stine Hattestad Bratsberg, Co-chair of the Safe Planet Campaign, LPGA pro golfer Suzann Pettersen, Werner Obermeyer (Executive Director, WHO Office at the United Nations in New York), Jim Willis, Executive Secretary of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, and an International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) representative were invited to participate in a roundtable discussion chaired by Jan-Gustav Strandenaes.
Side event programme |
Burden of disease related to chemicals by WHO |
Full Fathom Five Revue exhibition
Thursday, 12 May 2011 at 8-10 pm, Magnan Metz Gallery, Chelsea District, New York
Programme |
View album