2nd meeting of the Intersessional Process of consultations on DDT (IP2)

Second meeting 22 March 2023 (online, Webex)

Highlights: At its tenth meeting in June 2022, the COP to the Stockholm Convention adopted decision SC-10/6 on DDT. In SC-10/6, the COP decided to initiate, subject to the availability of resources, through the DDT expert group, an intersessional process of consultations with those Parties that were in the DDT register as at 1 January 2023 on a possible phase-out plan, and requested the DDT Expert Group to report to the COP at its 11th meeting on the prospects for phasing out DDT for those Parties. The COP also requested the Secretariat, subject to the availability of resources, to support this process.

The Secretariat organized the second online meeting of the intersessional process of consultations with Parties in the DDT Register to discuss possible phase out plans for DDT and withdrawal from the DDT register.

The meeting was attended by Stockholm Convention Official Contact Points (OCPs) of various Parties listed in the DDT register at that time or their nominated alternatives/representatives and/or other participants from relevant government entities nominated by the Stockholm Convention OCP, members of the DDT expert group and representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The seven representatives of Parties that participated in the first intersessional consultation meeting in October indicated that there had been no major changes in terms of the phase out or continued need of DDT in their respective countries. 

Working Language: English

Organizer: Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions

Target audience: Parties in the DDT register

Meeting Documents


Items: 1Load time table: 530.4338 msec 
UNEP/POPS/DDT-IPoC.2/2Draft meeting report83.91 K 253.56 K

Contact Information

Lina Fortelius lina.fortelius(at)un.org.