UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/2/1 | Provisional agenda | ![185.59 K 185.59 K](/desktopmodules/MFilesDocsV2/images/pdf.png) |
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/2/2 | Draft terms of reference for the preparation of the guidance on a standardized approach to developing inventories of PCB and to analysis for the identification and quantification of PCB | ![568.77 K 568.77 K](/desktopmodules/MFilesDocsV2/images/pdf.png) |
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/2/3 | Draft terms of reference for the preparation of the proposal for a revision to the format for national reporting concerning information on PCB | ![409.7 K 409.7 K](/desktopmodules/MFilesDocsV2/images/pdf.png) |
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/2/4 | Updated list of experts nominated by Parties and observers to the Stockholm Convention to participate in the small intersessional working group on polychlorinated biphenyls | ![295.85 K 295.85 K](/desktopmodules/MFilesDocsV2/images/pdf.png) |