First meeting of the PCB small intersessional working group

Meeting documents


Document symbolTitleEnglish
Items: 4Load time table: 670.8151 msec 
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/1/1Provisional agenda49.95 K 186.11 K
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/1/2Draft workplan for the small intersessional working group on polychlorinated biphenyls78.41 K 327.37 K
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/1/3/Rev.1List of experts nominated by Parties and observers to the Stockholm Convention to participate in the small intersessional working group on polychlorinated biphenyls69.39 K 296.98 K
UNEP/POPS/PCBSIWG/2020/1/4Report of the first meeting of the small intersessional working group on polychlorinated biphenyls73.36 K 182.02 K

Reference documents


Document symbolTitleDownload
Items: 3 Files: 6
UNEP/POPS/COP.9/6/Add.1Polychlorinated biphenyls: Recommendations on the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls71.99 K96.59 K
Decision SC-9/3Polychlorinated biphenyls17.84 K94.29 K
UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/10Report on progress towards the elimination of polychlorinated biphenyls1.54 MB1.57 MB