South Africa pilot project

Title of the project: Pilot project aimed at validating the inventory guidance on polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs), and short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) by undertaking preliminary inventories in identified sectors in South Africa

Donor: European Union
Partners: Government of South Africa and SCRC South Africa (Africa Institute)
Duration: October 2018 to December 2019
Target countries: Government of South Africa, SCRC South Africa


  • To validate the inventory guidance on polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs);
  • To develop inventory of PCNs, PCBs in open application and SCCPs in major products

Expected outcomes

A report identifying sectors relevant to PCNs/PCBs, and SCCPs in products, wastes and contaminated sites in South Africa.


Information relating to import, production and export of following potential sources of PCNs, PCBs and SCCPs in South Africa were collected and compiled:
  • All kinds of chlorinated paraffins including SCCPs from various sources
  • PVC resin and manufacturing of PVC cable
  • Rubber and rubber products including for conveyor belts
  • Paints and coatings
  • Sealants and adhesives
  • Metal working fluids and lubricants
  • Consumer products
  • Unintentional production of PCNs
  • Contaminated sites
A gap analysis was done of the information that are available and that are missing in order to prepare the inventory of these POPs.

A stakeholder consultation on the findings in the "Preliminary Inventory Assessment of PCNs, SCCPs and PCBs in open application" as listed above to finalize the respective inventory guidance documents.

A stakeholder consultation was held from 21 to 22 October 2019 in Pretoria, South Africa.



Items: 5Load time table: 1014.0277 msec
Objectives of the consultation meeting1.29 MB
Inventory development of PCNs, PCBs and SCCPs in open application - Roland Weber7.46 MB
Development of standard operation procedures of SCCP and PCNs analysis by low resolution GC/MS as a tool for support of PCN and SCCP inventory in developing countries and cooperation and support from experienced international research groups - Roland Weber363.67 K
Outcome of the initial Assessment of PCNs. SCCPs and PCBs (oA) in South Africa - Roland Weber1.38 MB
Some considerations of research needs for SCCP, PCN and PCBs in South Africa - Roland Weber387.11 K

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Contact point

Contact point: Suman Sharma (