Proposed amendments

Amendment of the Stockholm Convention (Article 21)

There is currently no proposal under consideration for amendment of the Convention.

There is one past proposal to amend Article 8 and Annex D to the Convention.

On 27 July 2018, the Secretariat received from the Russian Federation proposals to amend Article 8 of and Annex D to the Stockholm Convention. The proposals are set out in annex I to document UNEP/POPS/COP.9/15, while annex II to the document shows in tracked changes the proposed amendments to the current text of Article 8 and Annex D. An explanatory note, in English only, provided by the Russian Federation, is set out in document UNEP/POPS /COP.9/INF/9.

Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 21, paragraph 3 (a) of Article 22 and paragraph 5 (a) of Article 22 of the Convention, on 26 October 2018, more than six months before the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention, the Secretariat communicated to the Parties and signatories to the Convention the proposals to amend Article 8 of and Annex D to the Convention. The proposals were also communicated to the depositary for information. The table below sets out comments received from Parties and observers on the proposals. A compilation of comments received from Parties relating to the proposals is set out in document UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/24.

Comments received from Parties and observers on the proposals to amend Article 8 of and Annex D to the Convention

  • Parties
  • Observers

The proposal was considered by the Conference of the Parties during its ninth meeting (29 April-10 May 2019). Following the consideration of the proposal and given the lack of consensus on the issue, the representative of the Russian Federation informed the Conference of the Parties of the withdrawal of his country’s proposals to amend Article 8 and Annex D to the Convention.

Adoption of new annexes (Article 22)

There is currently no proposal to add a new Annex to the Convention under consideration.

Amendment to Annexes A, B or C to the Stockholm Convention (Article 22)

There is currently one proposal to amend Annex A to the Stockholm Convention under consideration. The proposal was transmitted by Ethiopia.

On 21 October 2024, the Secretariat received a proposal from the Government of Ethiopia to amend Annex A to the Stockholm Convention, accompanied by an explanatory note. The proposal is set out in the annex to document UNEP/POPS/COP.12/31. The explanatory note, available in the six languages of the United Nations, is set out in document UNEP/POPS/COP.12/INF/70.

Pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 21 and paragraphs 3 (a) and 4 of Article 22 of the Convention, on 25 October 2024, the Secretariat communicated the proposal to the Parties and signatories to the Convention. The communication, in which the Secretariat also invited Parties to provide comments, was circulated more than six months before the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties.


Items: 1       
25/10/2024Proposal to amend Annex A of the Stockholm Convention to be considered at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties393.69 K 276.1 K 349.89 K 364.55 K 402.14 K 350.04 K

A compilation of comments received from Parties relating to the proposal to amend Annex A to the Convention is set out in document UNEP/POPS/COP.12/INF/71. All comments received from Parties and observers on the proposals are posted below.

Comments received from Parties and observers on the proposals to amend Annex A to the Convention

  • Parties

The proposal is expected to be considered by the Conference of the Parties during its twelfth meeting, scheduled for 28 April - 9 May 2025.

For information on past and current proposals to amend Annexes A, B or C to the Stockholm Convention, please see here.