| UNEP/POPS/EGBATBEP.1/INF/1 | Scenario note for the first meeting of the Expert Group on Best Available Techniques and Best Environmental Practices | |
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| UNEP/POPS/EGBATBEP.1/INF/2 | Tentative schedule for the week | |
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| UNEP/POPS/EGBATBEP.1/INF/3 | Mandate and terms of reference for the Expert Group | |
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| UNEP/POPS/EGBATBEP.1/INF/4 | Overview and Summary of Outcomes from the Regional Consultations on the Draft Guidelines on Best Available Technologies (BAT) and Best Environmental Practices (BEP) relevant to Article 5 and Annex C of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), February - April 2005. | |
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| UNEP/POPS/EGBATBEP.1/INF/5 | Compilation of comments received from Parties and others on the draft Guidelines on Best Available Techniques and provisional Guidance on Best Environmental Practices1 | |
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