Location: Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Date of establishment: May 2017 (nomination)
Hosted by: Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry (NIOCH SB RAS)
Decision BC-III/19 the Conference of the Parties of the Basel Convention in 1997, selected Russian Federation as a site to establish a BCRC for the Eastern Europe sub-region. The Autonomous non-profit organization "Centre for International Projects", which was established in 1981 to provide information and scientific-analytical support to the international environmental cooperation between Russia and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other international organizations was nominated by the Central and Eastern European region to serve as a regional centre for the Stockholm Convention as well in March 2008. COP 5, which was held in 2011, endorsed the centre as a Stockholm Convention regional or subregional centre for four years and recently, COP 7 has endorsed it again for another term of four years.
Parties served: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan
Expertise: The centre has expertise in environmental quality monitoring including trace and ultra-trace level POPs monitoring in different matrices, undertaking annual scientific expeditions in remote areas of Siberia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia for monitoring POPs level in the waterbodies and works in the prevention and response to chemical emergencies.
For more information visit: http://web.nioch.nsc.ru/en/.
Coordinator: Prof. Elena Bagryanskaya
Contact person: Prof. Elena Bagryanskdaya/Dmitri Polovyanenko
Telephone: +7 (383) 330-88-50
Fax: +7 (383) 330-97-52
Email: egbagryanskaya@nioch.nsc.ru
Address: 9 Lavrentiev Avenue, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation