The POPRC-4 took place on 13-17 October 2008, in Geneva. The report of the meeting is available here. The Committee had before it a proposal submitted by the European Community and its Member States that are Parties to the Convention to list Endosulfan under Annexes A, B, and/or C of the Convention.
In accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 8 of the Convention, the Committee applied the screening criteria specified in Annex D, decided that the screening criteria were met and that the Committee should proceed with the development of a risk profile. As a follow-up, the Committee requested information specified in Annex E from Parties and observers and prepared the attached draft risk profile.
Parties and observers are invited to review the draft and to submit the comments no later than 2 June 2009. Submissions are most appreciated in electronic files by e-mail to
Letter of invitation to submit comment on endosulfan draft risk profile
Endosulfan draft risk profile detailed version for comments 
Endosulfan draft risk profile for comments 
A pre-version of a working draft had been posted on the website in error and was removed on 21 April 2009. The current files are the same versions as those distributed on 14 April 2009 to Parties and observers via Email or via postal mail with an invitation letter to submit comments on the draft risk profile to the Secretariat by 2 June 2009.
Please disregard the previous files and make sure to download the current ones which are fully endorsed by the ad hoc working group on endosulfan.