The POPs Review Committee ispreparing draft risk profiles for the five chemicals under its considerationtaking into account the information submitted by Parties and observers inaccordance with Article 8 of the Convention.
Information submitted
World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF)(26.01.06) 
Chemical Check-Up: Ananalysis of chemicals in the blood of Members of the European Parliament
;Appendix 3: technical analytical report and results 
Contamination: the next generation - Results of the family chemical contamination survey 
International POPs EliminationNetwork (IPEN) (27.01.06) 
American Chemistry Council (3M Company) (27.01.06)
Norwegian Pollution ControlAgency (27.01.06)
Semiconductor IndustryAssociation (SIA), the European Semiconductor Industry Association (EECA-ESIA)and Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) (27.01.06)
“Perfluorooctane Sulphonate:Risk Reduction and Analysis of Advantages and Drawbacks,” United KingdomDepartment of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Aug. 2004) 
“Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonates:Significant New Use Rule,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 67Fed. Reg. 11008 (March 11, 2002). 
“Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonates:Significant New Use Rule,” United States Environmental Protection Agency, 67Fed. Reg. 72854 (December 9, 2002). 
“Preliminary Risk Assessment ofthe Developmental Toxicity Associated with Exposure to PerfluorooctanoicAcid and its Salts,” United States Environmental Protection Agency (Apr.2003). 
“Opinion on ‘RPA’s report‘Perfluorooctane Sulphonates: Risk reduction strategy and analysis ofadvantages and drawbacks,’’” Scientific Committee on Health andEnvironmental Risks, European Commission (Aug. 2004). 
“Environmental Risk EvaluationReport: Perfluorooctane Sulphonate (PFOS),” United Kingdom EnvironmentAgency’s Science Group (Sept. 2004). 
“SEMATECH Position StatementRegarding the Business Case for the Continued Need of PFOS,” InternationalSEMATECH (Nov. 2004). 
“Draft Risk Assessment of thePotential Human Health Effects Associated with Exposure to PerfluorooctanoicAcid and its Salts,” United States Environmental Protection Agency (Jan.2005). January 26. 
“Results of Survey on Productionand Use of PFOS, PFAS and PFOA, Related Substances and Products/MixturesContaining These Substances,” the Organization of Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (Jan. 2005). 
Proposal for a “Directive of theEuropean Parliament and of the Council relating to restrictions on themarketing and use of perfluorooctane sulfonates (amendment of CouncilDirective 76/769/EEC),” Commission of the European Communities (May 2005).
Brazil (27.01.06) 
International Imaging Industry Association, the European Photo and Imaging Association, and thePhoto-sensitized Materials Manufacturers’ Association (31.01.06) 
Canada (31.01.06) 
Appendix 1 - List of PFOS,its salts and its precursors identified through Section 71 CEPA 1999industry survey, CATABOL modelling, and expert judgment 
CATABOL Journal Article Feb 2004: Predicting the biodegradation productsof perfluorinated chemicals using catabol 
United States of America:
Australia (02.02.06) 
Japan (07.02.06) 