Inter-country workshop on compliance with the Stockholm Convention obligations on matters related to DDT production and use in disease vector control
At its third meeting in Dakar, Senegal, the Conference of the Parties in its decision SC-3/2, requested the Secretariat, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), to continue the activities being undertaken to strengthen the capacity of countries to report on the production and use of DDT for disease vector control.
The WHO in collaboration with the Secretariat held 4 regional workshops in Swaziland, Morocco, Yemen and Thailand.
The general objective of these proposed 3 days inter-regional workshop was to improve the relevant processes for data collection, reporting systems and DDT stocks management in each of the participating countries.
The meeting specific objectives were to:
- present the new format of the DDT questionnaire as adopted by COP3;
- review the existing mechanisms for data collection and collation;
- review the capacities of countries to fully and accurately complete the revised DDT questionnaire;
- review the capacities of countries to assess the use and continued need of DDT for disease vector control;
- discuss the barriers and inadequacies that prevent countries from undertaking effective collection of information on the management and use of DDT and its alternatives;
- recommend possible mechanisms for efficient collection and management of such data for individual countries;
- assess the capacities of countries for environmentally sound management of DDT stocks and wastes;
- discuss the introduction of DDT alternatives and the strategies to be used to reduce the reliance on DDT.