Meeting Participants

A total of 769 participants attended the meeting, representing: 

  • 142 Parties
  • 12 Non Parties
  • 26 UN Bodies, UN Specialized Agencies, and other Intergovernmental Organizations
  • 55 Non-Governmental Organizations

List of participants


Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention

Geneva, Switzerland
from 4 to 8 May 2009

The fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties included a high-level segment on 7 and 8 May 2009.  The theme of the segment was “Meeting the challenges of a POPs-free future”

History is made at Stockholm COP.4

Delegates at the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP.4) to the Stockholm Convention brokered intensely to ensure consensus was reached. Negotiations finally culminated in a historic moment in Geneva, Switzerland during the early hours of Saturday, 9 May 2009.

In the run-up to the close, delegates heard statements by ministers and heads of delegation. They were also addressed by UNEP Executive Director, Mr. Achim Steiner during the Friday morning plenary session. The final day’s discussions involved various contact groups, which convened on financial resources and technical assistance, budget, and non-compliance throughout the day.

The afternoon plenary session was suspended to enable the technical assistance and financial resources contact groups to finalize their work. The pace of discussions intensified as plenary later reconvened at 12:30am. At 4:00 am, delegates reached a historic decision to list nine new chemicals under the Convention. Decisions on financial resources and other outstanding items were also agreed. COP.4 President Moaiyeri brought the meeting to a close shortly before 5:00 am; realizing a momentous occasion which was warmly welcomed by resounding applause.

COP.4 statements

Press releases

Meeting Documents

COP4 Photo Gallery

Photo gallery: Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention
Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Stockholm Convention
Geneva, Switzerland
4 - 8 May 2009

COP.4 Agenda

COP4 Report

Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
Report of the meeting