Training Workshops - Africa

Training on data collection, information exchange and informed decision-making within IVM program

The Training on data collection, information exchange and informed decision-making within IVM program was held from 29 to 31 August 2012 in Nairobi, Kenya.

The project is to strategically follow-up on the initial workshops on IVM principles conducted in selected African countries and collaborate with the ongoing WHO/GEF DDT reporting project towards assurance of efficient implementation of IVM approach for reduced reliance on DDT for disease vector control, including following specific objectives:

  • Strengthening in-country coordinating mechanisms of all stakeholders for data collection and information exchange on sustainable and effective vector management;
  • Capacity strengthening on evidence-based decision making in vector control interventions;
  • Developing a case study on establishing and implementing IVM for advocacy in other countries and to train resource persons for future IVM training workshops at the regional level.



Mediterranean and Africa - Barcelona 2009

December 2009
Regional training workshop on new POPs and the process of reviewing and updating NIPs
Barcelona, Spain, 2 - 4 December 2009

Regional training workshop on new POPs and the process of reviewing and updating NIPs

Barcelona, Spain, 2 - 4 December 2009

The workshop targeteted national experts, from the Mediterranean (outside CEE) and French-speaking African regions, who are contributing to the implementation of the Stockholm Convention, such as Official Contact Points or Focal Points.
