Withdrawal from the DDT Register

Parties listed in the DDT register may withdraw their name from the Registry, at any time, upon a written notification to the Secretariat (paragraph 7 of Part II, Annex B). 

Party Activity Date of notification Date of withdrawal Remarks at date of notification Withdrawal notification
China, People's Republic of Production and use 02/02/2005 28/02/2014 DDT was used in a closed-system indoor site in a small amount to control disease vector, but it was forbidden strictly using outdoor in order to prevent pollution. DDT was mainly used in some malaria epidemic areas such as Yunnan province. The average annual consumption of DDT original power was about 300 tons. Presently, it is only kept to be used in case of emergency of malaria.
Completed notification form
Withdrawal notification
Morocco Use 14/04/2005 28/12/2015 Le DDT est utilisé au Maroc exclusivement par le Ministère de la Santé pour la lutte contre le paludisme pour des foyers ponctuels quand la situation épidémiologique l’éxige. Unofficial translation: DDT is used in Morocco exclusively by the Ministry of Health for malaria control in limited areas when the epidemiological situation so requires.
Completed notification form
Withdrawal notification
Myanmar Use 08/082006 17/02/2012 Remarks not provided.
Completed notification form
Withdrawal notification - Myanmar imports the alternative insecticides such as malathion and alphacybermethrine instead of DDT.