Call for information


According to the terms of reference for the review and update of guidelines and guidance to address releases from unintentional production and best available techniques and best environmental practices for the chemicals listed in Annexes A, B and/or C to the Stockholm Convention (annex II to decision SC-8/6), the experts on the Toolkit and best available techniques and best environmental practices are working to collect and evaluate information relevant to the identification and management of sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants for developing relevant guidance.

The work to collect and evaluate information relevant to the identification and management of sites contaminated by persistent organic pollutants for developing relevant guidance has been identified by the experts as a priority area of work within their workplan.

Call for submission of case studies on contaminated sites

To support the experts in their ongoing work on contaminated sites, the Secretariat is collecting relevant information and case studies form parties and others, in particular as they relate to:

  • management and remediation
  • inventory development
  • financial mechanisms
  • information relevant for developing countries, countries with economies in transition, and for developed countries
  • information covering a large range of scenarios and type of contamination issue e.g. pesticides, production facilities etc. and for managing multiple contaminant scenarios in single sites (e.g. covering simultaneously POPs, metals, hydrocarbons etc.)
  • examples of problems that can occur as well as successes.

Please submit any relevant information to the Secretariat.

The information will be compiled to support the exports in their work to develop guidance relevant to the identification and management of POPs contaminated sites.

Mr. Alain Wittig,