
Title of the project: Guidance for parties to introduce safer chemicals and non-chemical alternatives to pentachlorophenol, including waste-related aspects

Donor: European Union

Partners: BCRC/SCRC-SEA, SCRC-Mexico

Duration: March 2018 to March 2019

Target countries: Indonesia, Mexico


  1. To enhance Indonesia’s capacity to implement obligations under the Stockholm Convention related to the listing of pentachlorophenol (PCP) in annex A of the Convention, in particular the phasing out of the use of PCP;
  2. To enhance capacity at the national level for evidence-based decision making on eliminating the use of PCP and registering for specific exemptions as appropriate;
  3. To make available scientific and technical information and their consideration by Indonesia on safer chemical and non-chemical alternatives for sustainable transition away from PCP and for the management of related waste.

Expected outcomes

  1. The guidance on preparing inventories of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and its salts and esters and on identifying safer alternatives for the phasing out of these chemicals is pilot tested and information on PCP is collected in Indonesia and Mexico.
  2. Case studies on the implementation of alternatives to PCP are undertaken in Indonesia and Mexico are undertaken.


Using the guidance on preparing inventories of PCP, information was collected in Indonesia and Mexico to support those countries in updating the national implementation plans to reflect the listing of PCP, its salts and esters in Annex A to the Stockholm Convention. In Mexico, based on the information collected through the current project, the Government identified the need to register the specific exemptions for the production and use of PCP and submitted the notification to the Secretariat. In both Indonesia and Mexico, project teams consist of major stakeholders (customs, industry, government and NGOs) was established and consultation meetings were held. Through national consultation meetings, the results of the case studies were shared, and the stakeholders developed recommendations on further actions to address PCP at the national level.


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