Global workshop on developing, revising and updating national implementation plans (NIPs) under the Stockholm Convention


The training was organized by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions in cooperation with the Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer for Central Europe. The European Union has kindly provided the funding for the training course.

Workshop objectives

The overall objectives of this global workshop were to:

  • Explore the priority assessment and the objective setting phase of the NIP updating process. While during the first and second phase of the NIP updating process countries establish a coordination mechanism and develop their inventories of new POPs, during the third phase countries need to develop country specific criteria to make priorities among the health and environmental impacts of new POPs. The chosen methodology is instrumental to formulate the objectives of the national implementation for the environmentally sound management of POPs, including new POPs.
  • Increase participants’ capacity to make an effective use of the guidance documents and other training tools when updating their NIPs, leading to increased capacity for sustained implementation of the Conventions.
  • To strengthen the capacity of parties to develop effective strategies and action plans towards the elimination of POPs and enable them to meet their obligation under the Convention to transmit updated NIPs to the COP; and
  • To provide guidance to parties in evaluating effectiveness of activities undertaken as a result of implementation of the initial NIPs, to evaluate their impact and derive lessons learnt that can favour the development of more effective strategies for updating NIPs.

Target audience

The training session targeted national officials in those countries that have developed or are revising or currently developing their inventories on POPs. In addition, representatives of Regional Centres, GEF Implementing Agencies and the civil society organizations were welcomed to participate in the workshop.


Twenty eight participants from all continents actively participated during the three days where they explored the priority assessment and the objective setting phase of the NIP updating process. Participants worked and exchange about strategies to develop effective and implementable action plans towards the elimination of POPs.

Contact information

For questions regarding the training please contact Tatiana Terekhova ( and Lina Fortelius (Lina.Fortelius@